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     The availability of skilled staff is a cornerstone of the sustainability of the nuclear energy sector – both in countries already operating nuclear facilities, as well as those introducing nuclear power. Operators of many nuclear power plants, research reactors and radioactive waste management and fuel cycle facilities are seeking operational lifetime extensions, while others are nearing decommissioning. Many of the human resource development needs are common across the nuclear industry.

Third International Conference on Human Resource Development for Nuclear Power Programmes, 2018, South Korea

     Following the 2010 and 2014 IAEA Conference on Human Resource Development (HRD), the third Conference which focused on addressing the challenges so as to guarantee the future of nuclear human resources has taken place in Gyeongju, South Korea from 28th to 31st May 2018. This Conference was co-organized by IAEA, KHNP and KEPCO.

    The Conference reviewed the global situation in HRD since the 2014 IAEA Conference on this subject; provided  a forum for information exchange on national and  international policies and practices; discussed the importance of building competence in nuclear safety and security; and provided participants with practical solutions that they can use at organizational, national and international levels to develop and maintain the human resources needed to support safe and sustainable nuclear power programmes.

    The conference attracted a wide range of experts in the area of capacity building, human resource development, workforce planning, education and training, knowledge management and knowledge networks for nuclear power programmes. In particular, about 600 participants from 58 countries and 6 international organizations gathered at the conference to review the global situation in human resource development and discuss the future of labour market in nuclear industry.

     The conference sessions covered four main themes:

  • Attracting, recruiting and retaining a high quality nuclear workforce;
  • Developing individuals and teams within organizations;
  • Education, training and qualification of a nuclear workforce; and
  • Organizational culture and its impact on the workforce.

     These themes were discussed at Operator Perspective, Regulator Perspective and Interactive Presentation. The NTC, VINATOM’s presentation gave an insight on current status and typical activities in terms of maintaining the Institute’s manpower based on the results of Nuclear Training Centre’s projects at ministerial and institutional levels throughout the year of 2017.

    On the sidelines of the Conference, The Exhibition on HRD was attended by such companies as KHNP, KEPCO, KAERI, KINGS (South Korea), ROSATOM (Russia), INSTN (France), EPRI (USA). Another significant event was the international youth competition among high school students with 188 submissions from 31 countries. After five finalists from Hungary, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea and USA presented their concepts at the conference, the winner was announced to be Malaysia.

    IAEA has been actively giving supports to its Member States in human resources development and planning for nuclear power programme.  Both countries already operating nuclear facilities, as well as those introducing nuclear power have been supported in regional and national infrastructure development, education and training programs needed for capacity building in nuclear energy. The presentations of China, South Korea, Russia, UK, French, UAE, Belarus or Bangladesh in Plenary Session have shown their experiences and requirements in HRD on nuclear technology.

Pham Thi Thu Trang, Education & Training Department

Source: IAEA & Nuclear Training Center, VINATOM