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     After four-month preparation thoroughly made by Nuclear Training Center (NTC), Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM), the International Nuclear Energy Development of Japan Co., Ltd (JINED), the 6th Vietnam-Japan Forum on Research and Development of Human Resources for Nuclear Technology was opened in the morning of 19th May, 2016, at the Meeting Room at the Training Center of Dalat Nuclear Research Institute, No. 1 Nguyen Tu Luc, Dalat, Lam Dong Province. This Forum lies in the framework of international cooperation activities among VINATOM, JINED and the Japan Information and Culture Center (JICC).

Participants of the6th Vietnam/Japan Research/HRD Forum on Nuclear Technology

     On Vietnam side are 50 persons including Dr. TRAN Chi Thanh, President of VINATOM; Assoc. Prof. NGUYEN Nhi Dien, Vice President of VINATOM, Dr. PHAN Son Hai, Director of Dalat Nuclear Research Institute; Dr. LUU Lam, Ministry of Education and Training; and others from VINATOM, VARANS, CNT, CANTI, DNRI, INST, NDE, NTC, VINAGAMMA,VNU-HCM, Electric Power University, Dalat University.

    On Japan side are 40 persons including Mr. Yoshito NAKAJIMA, Counsellor at Embassy of Japan; Prof. Masaki SAITO, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Mr. Yuji TAKAHASHI, Chief Operating Officer of International Nuclear Energy Development of Japan Co., Ltd.; Mr. Aikihiro YAMAMOTO, Section Chief in Fukui Prefectural Government; Prof. Jun SUJITOMO, Kyoto University; Dr. Tatsuya SUZUKI, Nagaoka University of Technology; Dr.Hiroshige KIKURA, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Dr. Naoyuki TAKAKI, Tokyo City University; Dr. Masato ASAI, JAEA; Dr. Yuko MATSUI, Institute of Nuclear Safety System,Incorporated;Dr. Shunsuke ISHIMOTO, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.; Dr. Hirotaka SAKAI, Toshiba Corporation Energy Systems & Solutions Company; Mr. Fumiaki YAMAMOTO, Project Director of Toshiba Corporation; and others from Mitsubishi, Hitachi, Toshiba, JICC and JINED.

Oral presentations of participants

     Focusing on the topics of Latest Technology and Research Trends Related to Nuclear Electronics and Instrumentation & Control in Nuclear Power Plants and Radiation Applications, 06 oral presentations by Vietnam, 07 oral presentations by Japan, and 14 posters by presenters of both nations were made, and the panel discussion was held with the experts from Vietnam and Japan, followed by active question and answer sessions with the audience.

     The presentations by Vietnam delivered the review on status of Vietnam Nuclear Power Program (VNPP), supporting R&D plans and Human Resource Development (HRD), recent policies and decisions of the government, experiences in modification of research reactor control system and prospective plan for research and development, I&C activities at Center for Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE)/VINATOM, recent trends in radiation measurement technologies and results of research and development from Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INST/VINATOM), application of Digital signal processing methods (DSP) in design and manufacture of nuclear spectroscopy, some typical results of environmental radioactivity research and monitoring in Viet Nam.

     Japanese speakers provided the presentations on current status of nuclear power plant in Japan, digital I&C technology trend of light water reactors, approach towards long-term maintenance of PWR nuclear power plant instrument and control equipment, instrumentations for severe accident measures, and overview of radiation monitoring technology for nuclear power plant.

     In the discussion following the presentations, Vietnamese and Japanese experts have identified and shared the challenges and support planning on HRD programs in Vietnam.

Discussion among groups of students to prepare for their presentation on given topic

    The group discussion was held by the active participation of students from Dalat University and several well-known universities of Japan, and young researchers from Nuclear Research Institute and Ninh Thuan Nuclear Power Project Management Board.

The 1st prize awarded to the best presentation of the student group

     Both organization chairmen from Vietnam and Japan (Assoc.Prof. NGUYEN Nhi Dien, Vice President of VINATOM and Professor Masaki SAITO, Tokyo Institute of Technology) summed up the Forum evaluating it as a success.The Forum was held in the local area enabling Vietnamese participants to join the sessions throughout the period, which allowed concentrated discussion.

      After the Forum, the Japanese party was invited to visit the Dalat Nuclear Research Institute (VINATOM). The next forum is planned to be held at Hanoi University of Science and Technology in around November, 2016 on the subject of “Present status of nuclear human resource development and research”.

 PHAM Thi Thu Trang, MA. – Nuclear Training Center